MLB Inquiry: Have the Dodgers Abused the 10-Day Disabled List Rule?

In his capacity as an Editorial Writer for, Attorney Jeremy Evans with California Sports Lawyer®, has written an article about the Los Angeles Dodgers use of the 10-day disabled list rule.

"As you may know, with the 2017-2021 MLB CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement), teams now have two options when moving players to and from their rosters as opposed to the standard 15-day DL for bodily injuries in use since 1985. One is the seven day (7) concussion DL and the second is the ten day (10) DL for bodily injuries. The Dodgers have used the 10-day DL many times this season and the moves have seemingly coincided with team roster needs (i.e., adding a bullpen arm for a series in Colorado or adding a right-handed bat off the bench with an opposing team that has solid bullpen filled with left-handed relievers) . . ."

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